    maciej.glowacki (at) pk.edu.pl
    p. 402, budynek WIEiK, IV p.

Konsultacje w semestrze zimowym 2024/2025:

    - poniedzialek, godz. 18:00 - 19:30,
    - wtorek, godz. 13:30 - 14:15,
    - sroda, godz. 16:15 - 17:00.

Computer Graphics for Engineers (GK02 and Erasmus students - GK03)

E-mail address:
    maciej.glowacki (at) pk.edu.pl

Office hours:
    Room 402, 4th floor, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Eng. building:
    - Monday, 18:00 - 19:30,
    - Tuesday, 13:30 - 14:15,
    - Wednesday, 16:15 - 17:00.

Delta CUT educational platform - files for students

Course details

Autodesk Education for Students - free student license for AutoCAD 2025

Files for classes:

Lab 1:
  Exercise 1

  about coordinates

Lab 2:
  Exercise 2

Lab 3:
  Exercise 3

  Drawing of a glass - tips

Lab 4:
  Exercise 4


Lab 5:
  Exercise 5


  Drawing of an ellipse - tips

Lab 6:
  Attention: Tuesday, Nov. 12th (gk02: 14:30, gk03-erasmus: 16:15)

  Exercise 6

  Drawing of a stained glass structure - tips

  Extra exercise

Test 1 (Nov. 18th) & Lab 8:
  Test is scheduled for 60 minutes. For the second part of the class (30 min) Ex. 8 is planned.
  Exercise 8

Lab 7:
  Exercise 7


Lab 9:
  Exercise 9


Lab 10:
  Exercise 10


  Blocks from Exercise 9:

  Printout - extra exercise

Test 2 (Jan 13th, 2025, may be subject to change)

Lab 11:
  Exercise 11

Lab 12:
  Exercise 12

Lab 13:
  Exercise 13

Grafika inzynierska (Budownictwo)

Strona przedmiotu Grafika inzynierska (M. German)

Kurs internetowy na platformie zdalnej Delta PK

Autodesk Education for Students - darmowa studencka licencja na AutoCAD-a 2025


Lab. 3, zad. 5: wskazowki (in English)

Lab. 5, zad. 4: elipsa - wskazowki

Lab. 6, zad. 2: witraz - wskazowki
Lab. 6, zad. 1: belka lukowa - wskazowki (starsza wersja)
Lab. 6: Dodatkowe cwiczenie

Lab. 9: rysunek - L_stol
Lab. 9: rysunek - stol_konf
Lab. 9: rysunek - okno
Lab. 10: rysunek - drzwi


TI - Transport:

Lab - excel

Pracownicy - Arkusz