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Computer Graphics for Engineers


Grades list

Computer Graphics for Engineers

Course Details

  1. Organization of class. Requirements to pass the course. Basics of computer graphics. Computer representation of graphical objects. Basics of AutoCAD drawing environment. File operations. Work on the network in computer laboratory. Display. Zoom command and its parameters. Units. Boundaries. Grid, snap, ortho. Relative and absolute coordinates.
  2. Techniques and tools to create and modify drawing objects. Location and tracking. Drawing basic objects (line, circle, arc) using location and tracking.
  3. Basic drawing objects: polyline, polygon, points, spline.
  4. Managing drawing objects using layers. Dimensioning and annotating a drawing. Dimension styles. Editing text. Object properties.
  5. Editing and modifying objects. Methods to create indicator sets. Modify operations: Erase, Move, Rotate, Copy (by offsetting, single, multiple; using axial and central symmetry).
  6. Editing and modifying objects (continued), Trim, Lengthen, Chamfer, Fillet.
  7. Test 1 - Editing and modifying objects 2D Drawing using parametric, geometrical and dimensional constraints.
  8. Preparation of plotting sheet with one viewport for drawing.
  9. Block definition, saving block definition to file, inserting blocks. Dynamic blocks. Attributed blocks. Editing attributes.
  10. Preparation of plotting sheet with several viewports for drawing. Dimensioning in viewports. Data extraction. Tables.
  11. Preparation of plotting sheet (continued).
  12. Test 2 - plots with dimensioning in several viewports (90 minutes).
  13. Introduction to 3D modelling - surfaces and solid modelling. Managing viewports and coordinate systems in 3D. Visual styles. Exercises in solid modelling: solid primitives, simple extrusion, rotation, basic editing (union, difference, sum).
  14. Exercises in 3D modelling, continued. Section and Slice. Complex extrusion. Creating projections and sections based on the 3D model. Dimensioning in 3D.
  15. Solid modelling, creating projections and sections based on the 3D model.

Passing the course

In order to obtain a positive grade the student is obliged to pass two tests. Each test can be improved only once. Final grade is an average of grades obtained during the course. All the required class exercises have to be completed by the student and submitted for assessment during semester.

en/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/26 14:55 by admin  

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